Friday 18 May 2012


1a. You need to write about your work for your Foundation portfolio and Advance Portfolio units.

1a. Explain how far your understanding of the conventions of existing media influenced the way you created your own media products. Refer to a range of examples in your answer to show how this understanding developed over time. [25]

In question 1b you must write about one of your media productions only.

1b. Analyse one of your coursework productions in relation to the concept of audience. 

Existing media products helped me to plan my media coursework in both my preliminary and my advanced portfolio's. Planing my products around standard conventions of existing media products allowed me to view the tasks that I had been set in a more constructive manner, meeting different requirement's that past products had used allowed me to have a check list of idea's that I would include, going down the list and making sure that I had incorporated these elements allowed me to create an effective end product that met the requirements of the specification.

During my As media coursework I found that I tried to stick to many of the conventions that a normal music magazine would have. I started out in my preliminary task at the start of year 12 with no real experience in photoshop or the conventions that a magazine effective would have. this led to me creating a poor first attempt at a school magazine front cover and contents page, the resulting effort's were pretty poor, I had set the main image out badly and it floated in the middle of the page, this meant that the person in the picture was without legs. the colour's that i had used for the front cover were pretty bad, I had not yet met the convention that a media product should ether have a effective and simple colour scheme or the colour scheme should match the 3 colour principle, where the magazine would only use three colour's. My first attempts at trying to create a media product without meeting any premising media product convention's produced a pretty amateur result which looked very unprofessional and didn't offer anything aesthetically. 

My understanding of preexisting media convention's had started to expand during my AS coursework as i found that creating drafts of my first music magazine front cover, although due to limitations with my photoshop skill's i found that I wasn't able to produce any images to a very satisfactory level. Although my use of media conventions had started to expand I was able to include the three colour rule and the golden spiral, this paired with a new found knowledge of magazine layout through the post 'magazine analysis' allowed me to produce some slightly higher quality work. although these draft were a improvement on my original preliminary work they were not at the standard I needed to be able to complete a professional looking final draft.

With my development of my understanding of existing media products I was able to produce some work that included more elements of convention, for example the positioning of a title so that It was central or the use of contrasted colour's allowed me to improve on my original drafts. Therefore I felt that my understanding of conventions had allowed me to create a product that had a more professional style to it, therefore making similarities between existing products and my own products allowed me to create a more effective product.

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