Wednesday 18 January 2012

Hyperreal Examples

1.A magazine photo of a model that has been 'Air Brushed' with a computer.

2.Films in which characters and settings are either digitally enhanced or created entirely from
CGI (e.g.: 300, where the entire film was shot in front of a blue/green screen, with all settings super-imposed).(Avatar where the lead female role was shit entirely with CGI and a skull cap to capture realistic facial expressions, by doing this the real expressions become hyper real as they are an imitation of the real thing.

3.A well manicured garden (nature as hyperreal).

4.Any massively promoted versions of historical or present "facts" (e.g. "
General Ignorance" from QI, where the questions have seemingly obvious answers, which are actually wrong).

Professional sports athletes as super, invincible versions of the human beings.

6.Many world cities and places which did not evolve as functional places with some basis in reality, as if they were creatio
ex nihilo (literally 'creation out of nothing'): Disney World; Dubai; Celebration, Florida; and Las Vegas. These places were built from nothing with no other function, Dubai was made from sand recovered from the sea and Las Vegas was made from a small town that had no other function than being a waystation for travellers.

TV and film in general (especially "reality" TV), due to its creation of a world of fantasy and its dependence that the viewer will engage with these fantasy worlds. The current trend is to glamorize the mundane using histrionics.

8.A retail store that looks completely stocked and perfect due to
facing, creating a world of endless identical products.

9.A life which cannot be (e.g. the perfect facsimile of a celebrity's invented persona).

10.A high end sex doll used as a simulacrum of a bodily or psychologically unattainable partner.

11.A newly made building or item designed to look old, or to recreate or reproduce an older artifact, by simulating the feel of age or aging.

12.Constructed languages (such as
E-Prime) or "reconstructed" extinct dialects.

Second Life The distinction becomes blurred when it becomes the platform for RL (Real Life) courses and conferences, Alcoholics Anonymous meetings or leads to real world interactions behind the scenes.

14.Weak virtual reality which is greater than any possible simulation of physical reality.

Post Modern Theories

Jacques Derrida - stated that a text couldn't belong to no genre, every text has to have one or many genre's. Text cannot be genreless.

Baudrillard's idea of hyperreality was influenced by phenomenology, semiotics, and Marshall McLuhan who created the phrase 'the medium is the message'.
This means that its more important about how a message is presented and not the message itself
Frederic Jameson - thought that post modernism was Nothing more that a series of self referential 'jokes' which have no deeper meaning or purpose.

Jean-François Lyotard
rejected what he called the “grand narratives” or universal “meta-narratives.”

Grand narratives refer to the great theories of history, science, religion, politics. For example, Lyotard rejects the ideas that everything is knowable by science or that as history moves forward in time, humanity makes progress.
Lyotard favours ‘micronarratives’ that can go in any direction, that reflect diversity, that are unpredictable.

Rosenau (1993)1. Its anti-theoretical position is essentially a theoretical stand.
2. While Postmodernism stresses the irrational, instruments of reason are freely employed to advance its perspective.
3. The Postmodern prescription to focus on the marginal is itself an evaluative emphasis of precisely the sort that it otherwise attacks.
4. Postmodernism stress intertextuality but often treats text in isolation.
5. By adamently rejecting modern criteria for assessing theory, Postmodernists cannot argue that there are no valid criteria for judgment.
6. Postmodernism criticizes the inconsistency of modernism, but refuses to be held to norms of consistency itself.
7. Postmodernists contradict themselves by relinquishing truth claims in their own writings.

Post Modernism

The definition of post modern is quite hard to explain, although it is general thought to be something that doesn't try to hide the fact that it is fake for example René Magritte-'Ceci n'est pas une pipe' painting, it means this is not a pipe but clearly in the painting we can see that he has painted a pipe. It's a contradicting panting, because we could argue that it isn't a pipe because it is a painting of a pipe.

The Term of 'Post Modern' is a contradiction in terms as nothing can be after modern because modern is now, and we can't state that something made is after the present because the present is a constant that cannot be broken.

Monday 9 January 2012

Mix Pod- Melancholy mix

1.       Raining Again- Moby- I choose this track because it sums up the mix quite nicely, the beat gives a livelier tempo for the play list but the main chorus and vocals bring it back to the Minor theme.
2.       The fix- Elbow- This track slows the playlist right down with the slower beat on the track and bass, Guy Garvey's vocals bring the mix to a more relaxed style, though the track is still minor.
3.       Freddy Kruger- Reuben- I choose this track because it reflects a more angry style of melancholy music, presents a more aggressive style, though it still sticks to the minor melody throughout.
4.       Minnesota, WI- Bon Iver- The Bass starts out with a more major feeling but the track quickly sinks into a more minor feel. This track is great for when you need something mellow to listen to.
5.       Tighten Up- The Black Keys- I really like this track as the lead guitar is mainly playing a really funky rhythm that fits the whistling really well. Though it’s the guitar and fill and vocals that really make the track melancholy.
6.       Andvari- Sigur ros- A good mix playlist always changes the playlist with highs and lows, this track is a more relaxed low that fits the playlist with a more mellow minor kind of sound.
7.       Children of the Grounds- Midlake-This track instantly changes the mood as it has a much faster beat, and the track is just really different because there are only three parts, the acoustic guitar, and the two vocal parts which are in different keys, this track really presents a faster paced minor sound that is really simple but effective.
8.       Infinite Arms- Band of horses- I then choose this track because it slows the pace of the playlist down again, the vocals work really well to present the minor melodies, also this track slips in and out of major and minor parts as the vocals clash with the guitar part.
9.       New Slang- The Shins- This song fades in slowly with a really great vocal and guitar part, although the vocals are minor the song still manages to make you feel really happy.
10.    The Thief and The heartbreaker- Alberta cross- The minor part really comes across with the lead guitar, this song is more of a straight forward melancholy track but with a more alternative rock vibe to it, I think it fits really well into the mix.
11.    Sometime around midnight-The Airborne Toxic Event- This track fits really well because straight away it comes in with a really melancholy string part, that goes into a catchy guitar riff, that is complemented by the vocalist’s minor singing. The pace starts to pick up after a while.

        12.    Pills in my Pocket- Fink-  I choose this track because it is simple and it really slows the pace of the playlist right down. The simple track sound allows you to connect to the song quite easily adding to the feeling of melancholy.
13.    You don't understand me – Raconteurs- I wanted the playlist to finish on a high so I choose this track because it has a really good interchanging melody between the vocals and guitar but the track finishes on a high with a really strong piano and guitar part that leaves the listener on a high after the playlist.